Lomba Foto Android di pameran NICE 2012 di CCC

NiCE bekerja sama dengan Komunitas Android Makassar mengadakan Photo Competition menggunakan Android. Kompetisi ini terbuka bagi seluruh member Komunitas Android Makassar. Current theme is: Captured the moment. Rules:

  1. Unlimited entries we provide;
  2. All picture must upload to instagram and taken with Android Phone
  3. Must follow and mention @dromakspiX and include these tags in the caption: #androidmakassarchallenge #piXhunt.
  4. Posting date 25 April until 28 April (winner will be announced on April 29th.

Mechanics: Jury from Android Makassar Community will pick 1 winner and will be rewarded 500.000 IDR. Happy hunting!

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